
I'm known in Cyprus as Wayne “The Will Man” Barnett to the many UK expats whose Wills, LPAs and other affairs I've dealt with.
Based in Cyprus as part of Maplebrook Wills’ network of trusted professional Will Writers, I'm currently offering a free no-obligation review of existing Wills and personal circumstances to UK expats in Cyprus and Cypriot individuals who have assets in the UK.
I'm a member of the UK Institute of Professional Will Writers.
I am an affiliate of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.
I am an affiliate of STEP, a global professional body of practitioners who help families plan for their futures.
I'm a UK Chartered Accountant.
I advise on and prepare UK Wills, Cypriot Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) documents for expats and UK-based clients, providing expert advice at a fraction of the cost of using a UK high street solicitor.
Why Are UK Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney Important to You in Cyprus?
Many expats retain interests in the UK, and it’s thought up to 90% of Brits living in Cyprus will return to the UK before death.
Lasting Power of Attorney documents protect you and your family if you lose mental capacity, otherwise your accounts are frozen – this even includes joint accounts with a partner or spouse. For your UK affairs, they give you the framework to access bank accounts and investments and make medical decisions.
A Will helps you distribute assets according to your wishes after death. It has many benefits, including providing clarity and helping manage tax liabilities and the burden of care costs on a surviving spouse.
I Have Never Considered Writing a Will – Can Maplebrook Services Help Me?
Absolutely! You can book a free, no obligation consultation in the comfort of your own home, or online. I will advise you on the best steps for your personal situation and can help you with all paperwork and other related matters.
I have already helped many clients put their affairs in order, giving them complete peace of mind that their loved ones will be looked after in the event of mental incapacity or death.
Don’t delay - contact us today and let us help you select the best options for your personal circumstances. Simply complete the contact form at the bottom of the page, or call our friendly team on 26 600780. Write your future today.